
The uptake of these drugs has shedding from through prompt limiting nosocomial critical. During the 1990s, there was a great deal of jockeying within the PBM market, a highly penetrated market compared to just a decade ago. In order to remain competitive, PBMs have merged and acquired new businesses. Most recently, in March 2004, Caremark acquired AdvancePCS; in 2001, Express Scripts acquired National Prescription Administrators; in 2000, Medco Health Solutions acquired Provantage; and in 1998, Express Scripts acquired Value Rx. As shown in Exhibit 13, the PBMs that controlled the most market share measured by prescriptions per year in 2003 were Medco Health Solutions, ACS State Healthcare, AdvancePCS Caremark, and Express Scripts.19, for example, nevirapine pharmacokinetics. Similar statistical approach was applied to the pooled fetal SLN% values. The paired comparisons of SLN% from each area reveal that 42 out of 45 are significantly different Table 3 ; . Furthermore, this analysis shows that 45 pairwise comparisons in the fetus reveal 87% homology with the same analysis performed in the adult 39 45 comparisons, Table 3 ; . As the adult, SLN% in the fetus put V2, V3A as well as ventral areas TEO, TE and TH TF on successive levels. Furthermore, as in the adult, fetal SLN% values for the FEF place this area on a low hierarchical level, equivalent to that of V3A 2 0.61, P 0.43, n.s. ; . Similarly, as in the adult, fetal SLN% values place MT and TEO on the same level 2 0.76, P 0.38, n.s. ; and put FST and LIP on separate levels 2 79.29, P 0.001 ; . In the fetus there is a strong and significant correlation Spearman, 0.83, P 0.01, Fig. 7B ; between SLN% and the hierarchical distance using the hierarchical model of the adult visual system proposed by Barone et. 315. Lorig K, Fries JF. The arthritis helpbook. Reading MA: Addison-Wesley, 1980. 316. Borkovec TD, Nau SD. Credibility of analogue therapy rationales. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 1972; 3: 25760. Meenan RF. AIMS approach to health status measurement: conceptual background and measurement properties. J Rheumatol 1982; 9: 7858. Keefe FJ, Block AR. Development of an observation method for assessing pain behavior in chronic low back pain patients. Behav Ther 1982; 13: 36375. Nicholas MK. An evaluation of treatments for chronic low back pain [Doctoral dissertation: unpublished]. Sydney, Australia; University of Sydney, 1988. 320. Harding VR, Williams Acde C, Richardson PH, et al. The development of a battery of measures for assessing physical functioning of chronic pain patients. Pain 1994; 58: 36775. Williams AC de C. NNTs used in decision-making in chronic pain management. Bandolier 1995; 2: 3. Pither CE, Ralphs JA. Limiting the drugs list: behavioural treatment [letter]. BMJ 1993; 306: 16878. Altman DG. Better reporting of randomised controlled trials: the CONSORT statement. BMJ 1996; 313: 5701. Clarke MJ, Stewart LA. Obtaining data from randomised controlled trials: how much do we need for reliable and informative meta-analyses? BMJ 1994; 309: 100710. Melzack R. The McGill Pain Questionnaire: major properties and scoring methods. Pain 1975; 1: 27799. Kerns RD, Turk DC, Rudy TE. The West HavenYale Multidimensional Pain Inventory WHYMPI ; . Pain 1985; 23: 34556. Bergner M, Bobbitt RA, Carter WB, Gilson BS. The Sickness Impact Profile: development and final revision of a health status measure. Med Care 1981; 19: 787805. Radloff L. The CES-D scale: a self-report depression scale for research in the general population. Appl Psychol Measure 1977; 1: 385401. Spielberger CD. Manual for the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, 1983. 330. Gottlieb BS. Development of the Pain Beliefs Questionnaire: a preliminary report. In: Proceedings of Association for the Advancement of Behaviour Therapy; Philadelphia PA, 1984. 331. Vlaeyen JWS, Geurts SM, van Eek H, Kole-Snijders AMJ, Schuerman JA, Groenman NH. What do chronic pain patients think of their pain: development of a pain cognition questionnaire. Br J Clin Psychol 1990; 29: 38394, for instance, nevirapine dose. The introduction of antiretroviral therapy results in delayed progression of HIV-1. The majority of existing therapy methods have targeted the viral replication at reverse transcriptase RT ; and protease enzyme [1, 2]. However, the emergence of drug resistance has been observed [3, 4], therefore, new therapeutic agents are still needed. Recently, a new class of therapeutic agents has focused on inhibiting HIV entry into cells, CD4 binding, coreceptor binding and membrane fusion such as T-20 [5]. A number of bioactive nucleoside-based compounds against HIV virus have been clinically used [6]. In the clinic, nevirapine 1, Figure 1 ; [7] monotherapy results in relatively rapid drug resistance due to mutation of the RT enzyme. In an effort to develop a second generation inhibitor with improved activity against mutant RT enzyme, a number of dipyridodiazepinone derivatives have been synthesized and evaluated their activities against HIV-1 RT enzymes [8]. On the basis of a molecular modeling analysis of activity against Y181C HIV-1 RT aimed at modifying the nevirapine structure for higher antiviral activity Table 1 ; , it was shown that the dipyridodiazepinone derivatives containing unsubstituted lactam nitrogens and a 2-chloro-8-arylthiomethyl T1 and T2 ; moiety are effective inhibitors for this mutant enzyme when compared with 68nv, used as reference [9]. The result prompted us to develop an efficient synthetic route to prepare 2-chloro-5, 11-dihydro-11-ethyl-8 phenylthio ; methyl-6H-dipyrido[3, 2-b: 2', 3'-e][1, T1 ; and 2-chloro-5, 11-dihydro-11ethyl-8- 3-methoxy-phenylthio ; methyl-6H-dipyrido[3, 2-b: 2', 3'-e][1, T2 ; and to evaluate their anti-HIV-1 activity as well as verifying our hypothesis. Figure 1. Structure of nevirapine. MMWR. 2001; 49: 1153-1156 figure omitted IN SEPTEMBER 2000, TWO INSTANCES OF life-threatening hepatotoxicity were reported in health-care workers taking nevirapine NVP ; for postexposure prophylaxis PEP ; after occupational human immunodeficiency virus HIV ; exposure. * In one case, a 43-year-old female health-care worker required liver transplantation after developing fulminant hepatitis and end-stage hepatic failure while taking NVP, zidovudine, and lamivudine as PEP following a needlestick injury.1 In the second case, a 38year-old male physician was hospitalized with life-threatening fulminant hepatitis while taking NVP, zidovudine, and lamivudine as PEP following a mucous membrane exposure. To characterize NVP-associated PEP toxicity, CDC and the Food and Drug Administration FDA ; reviewed MedWatch reports of serious adverse events in persons taking NVP for PEP received by FDA. This report summarizes the results of that analysis and indicates that healthy persons taking abbreviated 4-week NVP regimens for PEP are at risk for serious adverse events. Clinicians should use recommended PEP guidelines and dosing instructions to reduce the risk for serious adverse events. MedWatch is a voluntary reporting system for adverse events and problems with drugs, medical devices, bio and didanosine. Medicare Plan B, the Pfizer Group also manufactures and distributes other named brand drugs for which it publishes, or causes to be published, an AWP in various industry compendia. 18. 112. The Pharmacia Group Pharmacia and Pharmacia & Upjohn ; Defendant Pharmacia Corporation "Pharmacia" ; is a Delaware corporation with.

Steph themzd member # 6500 posted august 23, 2005 steph, when i called the pharmacy admin office to let them know the problem i had - they informed me that pharmacists are pharmacists and doctors are doctors and videx, for example, lamivudine stavudine and nevirapine. NETILMICIN VIAL 150 MG 1.5 ML ; NEVIRAPINE FILM-COAT TB 200 MG NEVIRAPINE SUSP 10 MG ML NEVIRAPINE + LAMIVUDINE + STAVUDINE 200 + 150 + 30 ; TAB NEVIRAPINE + LAMIVUDINE + STAVUDINE 200 + 150 + 40 ; TAB NICARDIPINE AMP. 10 MG 10ML 10 ML ; NICARDIPINE AMP. 2 MG 2ML 2 ML ; NICARDIPINE CAP SR 40 MG NICARDIPINE TAB 20 MG NICERGOLINE TAB COATED 10 MG NICERGOLINE TAB COATED 30 MG NICLOSAMIDE TAB 0.5 G NICLOSAMIDE TAB 500 MG NICOTINE CHEWING GUM 2 MG NICOTINE CHEWING GUM 4 MG NICOTINIC ACID TAB 100 MG NICOTINIC ACID TAB 50 MG NICOTINIC ACID TAB 50 MG NIFEDIPINE CAP 10 MG!

I. Differences due to acquisition of HIV-infection Cardiovascular risk factors of 309 HIV-infected adults HIV-acquisition: 59.2 % by homosexual contact group 1 ; , 28.5 % by heterosexual contact group 2 ; , 9.1 % by intravenous drug abuse group 3 ; and 3.2 % by blood transfusion group 4 were analysed. Overall 10-years probability for cardiovascular events was analysed by the Framingham algorithm. Results: Tobacco use was more common in group 1 subjects compared with group 2 subjects 67 % vs. 52 %; p 0.05 ; . Additionally, group 1 subjects exhibited elevated total cholesterol 5.6 0.1 mmol l vs. 4.8 0.3 ; , LDL-cholesterol 3.6 0.1 mmol l vs. 2.8 0.2 ; and triglyceride concentrations 3.2 0.3 and digoxin. Symptomatic liver toxicities were rare in people treated with nevirapine between 1% and 5% of people participating in boehringer trials ; and were not significantly higher than those observed in controls.
Ommendations is included in the ncep atp III guidelines, which are accessible through the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Web site: : guidelines. Specific recommendations include reducing total fat to no more than 35% of the total daily caloric intake; reducing saturated fat intake to less than 7% of the total calories consumed daily; reducing dietary cholesterol to less than 200 mg day; increasing intake of plant sterols stanols and soluble fiber to enhance ldl reductions; weight reduction through reduced caloric intake; and, last but not least, exercise. For patients who experience elevated triglyceride and or cholesterol levels while receiving a protease inhibitor-based regimen, there has been a significant amount of research indicating that switches to regimens that do not contain protease inhibitors are beneficial. As was reviewed in an article focusing on the metabolic effects of switching antiretrovirals, published in the September 2001 issue of The prn Notebook, regimens employing nevirapine, efavirenz, or abacavir as their therapeutic backbone are useful switch options to consider. A switch to a nevirapine-containing regimen has been shown to reduce both triglycerides and total cholesterol and to raise hdl cholesterol; dropping a protease inhibitor in favor of efavirenz may result in additional triglyceride increases, but with increases in hdl cholesterol seen as well; and switching to an abacavir-based regimen has been shown to reduce both triglycerides and total cholesterol. Moving on to pharmacologic interventions, hmg CoA reductase inhibitors "statins" ; are recommended by the ias-usa for the management of hypercholesterolemia [see Table 2]. However, they should be prescribed with caution, given the documented likelihood of cyp 3A4 interactions with the protease inhibitors and the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Simvastatin Zocor ; and lovastatin Mevacor ; are generally contraindicated in patients receiving protease inhibitors. Atorvastatin Lipitor ; is a possibility, though the starting dose should be reduced and then titrated, if necessary, to achieve the desired cholesterollowering effect. Conversely, standard doses of pravastatin Pravachol and dipyridamole.

In the one province of south africa where nevirapine has been made availablewestern cape where the anc were not in political control when it was introducedthe main cost incurred has been not in drugs but providing formula feed to prevent breast milk transmission.

Monitoring of blood counts, liver and kidney function should be done regularly and the drug discontinued with changes in any of these organ systems and persantine. However, high doses of vitamin e may cause bleeding problems, particularly in people taking anti-clotting medications, for example, nelfinavir.
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ANTIRETROVIRALS NRTIs- abacavir Ziagen ; , abacavir lamivudine Epzicom ; , abacavir lamivudine zidovudine Trizivir ; , didanosine ddI, Videx ; , emtricitabine Emtriva ; , lamivudine Epivir, 3TC ; , lamivudine zidovudine Combivir ; , stavudine d4T, Zerit ; , tenofovir Viread ; , tenofovir emtricitabine Truvada ; , zalcitabine ddC, Hivid ; , zidovudine AZT, Retrovir ; . PIs- amprenavir Agenerase ; , atazanavir Reyataz ; , indinavir Crixivan ; , lopinavir ritonavir Kaletra ; , nelfinavir Viracept ; , ritonavir Norvir ; , saquinavir Fortovase, Invirase ; . NNRTIsdelavirdine Rescriptor ; , efavirenz Sustiva ; , nevirapine Viramune ; . Entry Inhibitors- enfuvirtide Fuzeon ; . OI DRUGS PHS "A1 OI"s- acyclovir Zovirax ; , azithromycin Zithromax ; , fluconazole Difulcan ; , ganciclovir Cytovene ; , itraconazole Sporanox ; , leucovorin, sulfatrim DS Bactrim, Septra ; . Other OIs- epoetin alfa Procrit ; , dapsone, valganciclovir Valcyte ; . Hepatitis C- none and disopyramide. 244. POTENT SMALL MOLECULE, NON-PEPTIDIC CHLOROPHENYL ACETAMIDE THROMBIN INHIBITORS. Lily Lee, Kevin D. Kreutter, Wenxi Pan, Tianbao Lu, Carl Crysler, Steven Eisennagel, Martin MacMillan, John Spurlino, Bruce Tomczuk, Mark Player, and Venkatraman Mohan, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development, L.L.C, 8 Clarke Drive, Cranbury, NJ 08512, llee6 The discovery of small molecule inhibitors of thrombin, a key serine protease in the coagulation cascade, continues to be an important goal for antithrombotic therapy. Thrombin, a trypsin-like peptidase, mediates the cleavage of fibrinogen to fibrin and the activation of platelets, leading to the formation of blood clots. Inhibition of thrombin would provide an effective treatment for conditions characterized by unusually large thrombus, such as venous and arterial thrombosis, DVT and myocardial infarction. Herein, we report a series of chlorophenyl acetamides which are potent nM ; thrombin inhibitors, for example, nrvirapine resistance. Fosamprenavir. Emtricitabine and atazanavir are included as components of alternative regimens, and enfuvirtide is discussed in terms of salvage therapy. Comment: It should be noted that atazanavir is recommended without ritonavir boosting, in large part reflecting the fact that studies in treatment-nave patients were completed with unboosted atazanavir. Fosamprenavir was approved very recently and is, therefore, not mentioned in this version of the guidelines. Triple NRTI Regimens to Avoid The combinations of tenofovir + lamivudine + either abacavir or didanosine are now listed as combinations to avoid. Comment: This admonition is based on the therapeutic trial showing virologic failure in 49% of patients given TDF ABC 3TC compared to 5% in those given EFV ABC 3TC [Gallant JE, et al. ICAAC, Sept, 2003, Abstract H-1722a]. Similarly, there was a 91% failure rate in another trial with TDF ddI 3TC ["Dear Health Care Professional Letter" from Gilead Sciences, Inc., 10 14 03]. Preferred Dual NRTI combinations with a PI or NNRTI The preferred combination is 3TC AZT or d4T ; and the combination of tenofovir 3TC is also included when combined with efavirenz. Alternatives with efavirinz are lamivudine + tenofovir. Emtricitabine FTC ; is listed as an alternative to lamivudine and the combination of ddI and 3TC or FTC is also classified as an alternative dual-NRTI regimen in combination with efavirenz or nevirapine. Comment: Lamivudine + either AZT or d4T are recommended in virtually all of the preferred and alternative regimens based on the fact that they have shown "durable virologic potency for over five years" when combined with and norpace.
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Infant infection status was known for 297 women. The cumulative rate of MTCT at 18 months was 13.2% for subtype A and 18.3% for subtype D P 0.34 ; . The rate of late transmission was 3.8% for subtype A and 7.6% for subtype D P 0.28 ; . Maternal baseline viral load was a significant predictor of MTCT, but maternal baseline CD4 cell count and subtype were not. Conclusions: No significant difference was observed in the rate of MTCT in women with subtype A versus D There was a trend toward a higher rate of MTCT among women with subtype D, however, which was also apparent among women whose infants were infected after 8 weeks of age. Address: Eshleman, SH; Johns Hopkins Med Inst; Dept Pathol; Ross Bldg 646, 720 Rutland Ave; Baltimore; MD 21205; USA. seshlem jhmi LICs Africa, PMTCT ARV, Viral resistance Gill CJ, Hamer DH, Simon JL, Thea DA, Sabin LL. No room for complacency about adherence to antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS 2005; 19 12 ; : 1243-1249. Abstr. Medication adherence is essential to successful treatment of HIV AIDS. Maintaining high adherence will likely prove a major challenge in Africa-just as it has in developed nations. Despite early reports suggesting that adherence would not pose a major barrier to treatment success, more recent research shows that adherence rates in Africa are quite variable and often poor. Given the large number of patients whose disease will progress if adherence is suboptimal, research is urgently needed to determine patient-level behavioral barriers to adherence and the most effective and appropriate methods for assessing adherence in African cohorts. Address: Gill, CJ; Boston Univ; Sch Publ Hlth; 85 E Concord St; Boston; MA 02118; USA. cgill bu LICs Africa, Treatment adherence Goicoechea M, Haubrich R. CD4 lymphoctye percentage versus absolute CD4 lymphocyte count in predicting HIV disease progression: An old debate revisited [Editorial commentary]. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2005; 192 6 ; : 945-947. Introduction. Even before the first effective antiretroviral therapy ART ; became available nearly 20 years ago, various staging systems were used to predict HIV disease progression, and, subsequently, these systems have been used to guide initiation of therapy. They are based on measurements of CD4 lymphocytes, including the absolute CD4 lymphocyte count, the percentage of lymphocytes that are CD4 positive CD4 lymphocyte percentage ; , and the CD4 : CD8 lymphocyte ratio. In this issue of the Journal of Infectious Diseases, Hulgan et al. present data that suggest that the baseline CD4 lymphocyte percentage may be an additional predictor of disease progression in a subset of individuals who have absolute CD4 lymphocyte counts 350 cells mm3 but have low CD4 lymphocyte percentages. Although absolute CD4 lymphocyte counts and CD4 lymphocyte percentages provide similar information and are highly correlated, these correlations are not perfect; in one study, the correlation coefficient between the 2 markers was 0.5. Differences between absolute CD4 lymphocyte count and CD4 lymphocyte percentage may represent a type of immune discordance. A relatively high absolute CD4 lymphocyte count and a low CD4 lymphocyte percentage may occur in 8%10% of untreated HIV-infected patients. This has potentially important clinical implications. Current guidelines for initiation of therapy for asymptomatic individuals with HIV RNA levels 100, 000 copies mL are based on the absolute CD4 lymphocyte count and recommend initiating ART at a count 350 cells mm3. For minimally symptomatic patients, a CD4 lymphocyte count 200 cells mm3 is used as a guide in resource-limited settings. Given that response to therapy is dependent on disease stage, if a significant number of HIV-infected patients present with this type of discordance, it may partially explain why some individuals who initiate therapy with moderate disease have suboptimal virologic and immunologic responses. Free full text available at: : journals.uchicago JID journal issues v192n6 35173 Address: Haubrich, R; Univ Calif San Diego; Antiviral Res Ctr; 150 W Washington St, Ste 100; San Diego; CA 92103; USA. rhaubrich ucsd Treatment monitoring Gray GE, Urban M, Chersich MF, Bolton C, van Niekerk R, Violari A, Stevens W, McIntyre JA. A randomized trial of two postexposure prophylaxis regimens to reduce mother-to-child HIV-1 transmission in infants of untreated mothers. AIDS 2005; 19 12 ; : 1289-1297. Abstr. Background: Single-dose nevrapine NVP ; prophylaxis to mother and infant is widely used in resourceconstrained settings for preventing mother-to-child transmission MTCT ; of HIV-1. Where women do not access antenatal care or HIV testing, post-exposure prophylaxis to the infant may be an important preventative strategy. Methods: This multicentre, randomized, open-label clinical trial October 2000 to September 2002 ; in South Africa compared single-dose NVP with 6 weeks of zidovudine ZDV ; , commenced within 24 h of delivery among 1051 infants whose mothers had no prior antiretroviral therapy. HIV-1 infection rates were ascertained at birth, and at 6 and 12 weeks of age. Kaplan-Meier survival methods were used to estimate HIV-1 infection rates in an intention-to-treat analysis. Results: Overall, 6 week and 12 week MTCT probability was 12.8% [95% confidence interval Cl ; , 10.5-15.01 and 16.3% 95% Cl, 13.4-19.2 ; , respectively. At 12 weeks, among infants. Surgery is an option for the following women: Women with severe pain that does not respond to watchful waiting and medical treatment. Women who want to become pregnant and endometriosis is most likely the major contributor to infertility. There are two basic surgical approaches for endometriosis: Conservative Surgery Laparoscopy or Laparotomy ; . Conservative surgery uses laparotomy or laparoscopy to remove the endometriosis implants without removing any other reproductive organs. It is a good option for and motilium. ABC's General Hospital Adorable Pets Andrew Morton Gifts Art Galleria Antiquities A Touch Above Karen Austin Belly Buttons and Bows Bennett Gallery Best Buy Big River Grille Blount County Flower Shop Blue Ridge Mountain Sports Buddy's Bar-B-Q Celebration Station Celeste McGrath Chalet Ice Rinks, Inc. Chili's Coachman Clothiers Colonial True Value Hardware Cookie Bouquet Coulter Florist Court South Creative Discovery Museum Crib n Carriage Crop Shop Dale Earnhardt Inc. 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Cludes unnecessarily specific interactions. In addition, no marked preference of HIV-1 RT for a template primer containing a polymerizable end over one containing a nonpolymerizable end was observed, showing that the specificity of HIV-1 RT is rather low Huang et al., 2000 ; . There is a large reduction in kcat for all the chimeric RTs that were constructed, implying that within the overall polymerase binding site there are distortions that affect the catalytic residues. Some of these distortions may arise from the nature of the chimeras constructed, because they are based on existing restriction sites or ones introduced that result in silent mutations ; and are not aligned on structural domain boundaries. Chimeras constructed based on structural considerations may lead to fewer distortions, at the expense of point mutations, and thereby greater activity. The chimeras with residual activity do not involve significant changes to the residues implicated in NNRTI susceptibility, so the lack of NNRTI susceptibility is not surprising. Although structural distortion may affect NNRTI binding in the chimeric RTs with residual activity, this is unlikely to be the case for the FIV RTs bearing point mutations where the activity is close to that of wild-type. Given that the sequence conservation between HIV-1 and FIV RT suggests similarity of structure, the lack of sensitivity of mutant ; FIV RTs to NNRTIs may be ascribed to any of the following factors: 1 ; Some structural feature of FIV RT makes it impossible for the NNRTI binding pocket to be created. In unliganded HIV-1 RT, the NNRTI binding pocket does not exist but opens up on binding of the inhibitor Rodgers et al., 1995; Esnouf et al., 1995, 1997; Hsiou et al., 1996 ; . Binding of an NNRTI such as hevirapine ; to RT requires conformational changes of the overall structure as the thumb rotates away from the fingers and also induces a small shift in the fingers-palm unit. In the catalytic complex, the fingers domain closes in toward the palm and the palm itself shifts slightly with respect to the core of the unliganded RT Huang et al., 1998 ; . Were FIV RT more rigid than its HIV-1 counterpart, this opening might be at too great an energy cost for NNRTIs to penetrate into the pocket. 2 ; The NNRTIs simply cannot penetrate the mutant ; FIV RT binding pocket, perhaps because of changes in the flexibility of FIV RT or differences in the subunit interactions. 3 ; The NNRTIs may enter but cannot bind in the enzyme pocket because of conformational hindrance. Although this may well be the case for wild-type FIV RT, in the mutant FIV RTs, the amino acids lining the NNRTI pocket are those of HIV-1 RT, so lack of binding seems unlikely. 4 ; The NNRTIs may efficiently bind in the enzyme's putative pocket but fail to inhibit the catalytic activity. Whereas this possibility cannot be ruled out, the fact that HIV-2 RT can be made sensitive to NNRTIs by point mutations suggests a similar conformation between HIV-1 RT and HIV-2 RT. This analysis leads us to the suggestion that structural flexibility may play an important role in NNRTI binding and that FIV RT may be somewhat more rigid that HIV-1 RT but still has the same overall structure. Were this the case, then one might see significant sequence differences between the two RTs for amino acids expected to form domain and subunit interfaces. In several places, this seems to be so. The lack of enzymatic activity of HIV-1 FIV RT heterodimers, unlike HIV-1 HIV-2 RT heterodimers, also points to substan and doxepin and nevirapine. This is the initial drug order.

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