
Presentation at the Spring Meeting of the New York Section of the American Urological Association, April 1964: "Effects of Chlorambucil on the Production of Genitourinary Malformation in Rats." Presentation at the Spring Meeting of the New York Section of the American Urological Association, April 1965: "Transureteroureterostomy and Cutaneous Ureterostomy as a Form of Urinary Diversion in Children." Presentation at the Spring Meeting of the New York Section of the American Urological Association, March 1966: "Localization of the Pacemaker for Peristalsis in the Intact Canine Ureter." Robert M. Weiss, Michael L. Wagner, and Brian F. Hoffman. Presentation and Movie at the 61st Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association, Chicago, Illinois, May 1966: "Transureteroureterostomy and Cutaneous Ureterostomy as a Form of Urinary Diversion in Children." Robert M. Weiss and John K. Lattimer. Presentation at the Conference on Chemistry, Pharmacology and Clinical Applications of Proteinase Inhibitors, New York Academy of Sciences, September 13, 1966: "Fibrolylin Studies.

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Clinical deterioration. Before attributing drug failure to development of viral resistance, the physician should rule out poor adherence, absorption abnormalities, and drug interactions. Only after ruling out these issues should viral resistance as a cause of drug failure be considered. For changing a drug regimen the physician needs to have a thorough understanding of the resistance and cross-resistance profile of ARV drugs. The detailed list of what drugs to change to is exhaustive and beyond the scope of this article. In general, do not change a single drug or add a single drug to a failing regimen; it is important to use at least two new drugs and preferably to use an entirely new regimen with at least three new drugs 18. Resistance testing kits are now available. They are of two types genotypic and phenotypic. The exact clinical utility of these tests is yet to be fully defined.

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