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However, if the vendor deems certain types of alerts unimportant, they may be absent; or if the content provided by the drug information provider is not current or adequate, important alerts will not appear. For example, the drug information vendor's software may not alert staff to unsafe single onetime ; doses. While the system may contain dose limits for drugs with a routine frequency, it may contain limited information for single doses. Consequently, an alert for a single dose that exceeds safe limits may not appear, and the user may not be notified that a dose check was not performed. Information about specific vendors' computer system and drug information providers was not collected in the PA-PSRS Workgroup on Pharmacy Computer System Safety. While the vendor software and drug information provider content play a role in pharmacy computer system performance, how each hospital installs, implements, updates, and interfaces their computer system is potentially more crucial in effective performance. In a similar field test in 1999, ISMP analyzed vendor and drug information provider products separately and found that no computer system or drug information provider was better than another at detecting unsafe orders. Each had significant limitations similar to those listed above. Figure 3. Average Number of Unsafe Orders Detected by Age of Pharmacy Computer System n is the number of facilities ; Figure 4. Frequency of Drug Information Updates. Note: there were no hospitals that updated their drug information content only twice per year or less often, for example, what is tramadol hcl.
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Ahmad, S. 1190 ; Lovastatin: warfarin interaction. Arch. Intern. Med.; 150, 2407. Kline, S. S., Harrell, C. C. 1997 ; Potential warfarin-fluvastatin interaction. Ann. Pharmacother.; 31, 790. Grau, E. et al. 1996 ; Simvastatin-oral anticoagulant interaction. Lancet; 347, 405406. Gaw, A., Wosornu, D. 1992 ; Simvastatin during warfarin therapy in hyperlipoproteinaemia. Lancet; 340, 979980. Trenque, T. et al. 1996 ; Pravastatin: interaction with oral anticoagulant? Br. Med. J.; 312, 886. Cropp, J. S., Bussey, H. I. 1997 ; A review of enzyme induction of warfarin metabolism with recommendations for patient management. Pharmacotherapy; 17, 917928. Chatterjea, J. B., Salomon, L. 1954 ; Antagonistic effect of ACTH and cortisone on the anticoagulant activity of ethyl biscoumacetate; 2, 790792. Kalowski, S., Kincaid-Smith, P. 1973 ; Interaction of dipyridamole with anticoagulants in the treatment of glomerulonephritis. Med. J. Aust.; 2, 164166 Mott, F. E., Murphy, S., Hunt, V. 1989 ; Ciprofloxacin and warfarin. Ann. Intern. Med.; 3, 542543. Kamada, A. K. 1990 ; Possible interaction between ciprofloxacin and warfarin. DICP; 24, 2728. Johnson, K. C., Joe, R. H., Self, T. H. 1991 ; Drug Interaction. J. Fam. Pract.; 33, 338. Dugoni-Kramer, B. M. 1991 ; Ciprofloxacin-warfarin interaction. DICP; 25, 1397. Linville, D., Emory, C., Graves, L. 1991 ; Ciprofloxacin and warfarin interaction. Am. J. Med.; 90, 765. Jolson, H. M., Tanner, L. A., Green, L. et al. 1991 ; Adverse reaction reporting of interaction between warfarin and fluoroquinolones. Arch. Intern. Med.; 151, 10031004. Linville, T., Matanin, D. 1989 ; Norfloxacin and warfarin. Ann. Intern. Med.; 110, 751752. Leor, J., Matetzki, S. 1988 ; Ofloxacin and warfarin. Ann. Intern. Med.; 109, 761. Baciewicz, A. M., Ashar, B. Y., Locke, T. W. 1993 ; Interaction of ofloxacin and warfarin. Ann. Intern. Med.; 119, 1223. Ellis, R. J., Mayo, M. S., Bodensteiner, D. M. 2000 ; Ciprofloxacin-warfarin coagulopathy: a case series. Am. J. Hematol.; 63, 2831. Armstrong, G. et al. 1991 ; Warfarin potentiated by proguanil. Br. Med. J.; 303, 789. Ostlere, L. S., Langtry, J. A., Jones, S. et al. 1991 ; Reduced therapeutic effect of warfarin caused by etretinate. Br. J. Dermatol.; 124, 505. Scher, M. L., Huntington, N. H., Vitillo, J. A. 1997 ; Potential interaction between tramadol and warfarin. Ann. Pharmacother.; 31, 646647. Sabbe, J. R., Sims, P. J., Sims, M. H. 1998 ; Tramadol-warfarin interaction. Pharmacotherapy; 18, 871873. Ward, K., Bitran, J. D. 1984 ; Warfarin, etoposide, and vindesine interactions. Cancer Treat. Rep.; 68, 817. Le, A. T. et al. 1997 ; Enhacement of warfarin response in a patient receiving etoposide and carboplatin chemotherapy. Ann. Pharmacother.; 31, 10061008. Hall, G., Lind, M. J., Huang, M. et al. 1990 ; Intravenous infusions of ifosfamide mesna and perturbation of warfarin anticoagulant control. Postgrad. Med. J.; 66, 860861. Lodwick, R., McConkey, B., Brown, A. M. 1987 ; Life threatening interaction between tamoxifen and warfarin. Br. Med. J.; 295, 1141. Tenni, P., Lalich, D. L., Byrne, M. J. 1989 ; Life threatening interaction between tamoxifen and warfarin. Br. Med. J.; 298, 9394. Ritchie, L. D., Grant, S. M. T. 1989 ; Tamoxifen-warfarin interaction: the Aberdeen hospitals drug file. Br. Med. J.; 298, 1253. Turri, D., Iannitto, E., Caracciolo, C. et al. 2000 ; Oral anticoagulants and cyclosporin. A. Haematologica; 85, 893894. Snyder, D. S. 1988 ; Interaction between cyclosporine and warfarin. Ann. Intern. Med.; 108, 311.
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All of the following drugs may raise the amount of tegretol in the blood to harmful levels: azithromycin zithromax ; calcium channel blockers such as calan, plendil, sular, and procardia cimetidine tagamet ; clarithromycin biaxin ; danazol danocrine ; diltiazem cardizem ; erythromycin e-mycin ; fluoxetine prozac ; isoniazid nydrazid ; itraconazole sporanox ; ketoconazole nizoral ; loratadine claritin ; niacinamide nicotinamide propoxyphene darvon ; troleandomycin tao ; valproate depakene, depakote ; the following drugs may also reduce the effectiveness of tegretol: cisplatin platinol ; doxorubicin hcl adriamycin ; felbamate felbatol ; rifampin rifadin, rimactane ; theophylline theo-24, uniphyl ; when taken with tegretol, the effectiveness of the following drugs may be reduced: acetaminophen, alprazolam, calcium channel blockers such as plendil and sular ; , clonazepam, clozapine, corticosteroids such as pediapred and decadron, cyclosporine, dicumarol, doxycycline, ethosuximide, haloperidol, itraconazole, lamotrigine, levothyroxine, methadone, methsuximide, midazolam, olanzapine, oral contraceptives, oxcarbazepine, phensuximide, phenytoin, praziquantel, protease inhibitors such as crixivan, norvir, and viracept ; , risperidone, theophylline, tiagabine, topiramate, tramadol, tricyclic antidepressants such as elavil, pamelor, and tofranil ; , valproic acid, warfarin, ziprasidone, and zonisamide and
There are no important differences in efficacy between NSAIDs4 and choice is based on safety, patient factors and cost. Low dose ibuprofen has the lowest risk of serious upper GI complications. Step 3 - Add paracetamol 1g four times a day to low-dose ibuprofen. Combining an NSAID with paracetamol may allow lower NSAID doses to be used. Step 4 - Continue paracetamol and replace ibuprofen with alternative NSAID. The lowest effective dose of NSAID should be prescribed and the need for long-term use should be reviewed periodically. Based on GI safety and cost, diclofenac 25-50mg three times a day would be suitable. Naproxen is associated with a lower risk of thrombotic events and may be preferred where cardiovascular risk is of concern. A weak opioid may be an alternative to an NSAID for people at high risk of NSAID-induced adverse effects. Step 5 - Full therapeutic dose of a weak opioid e.g. codeine 30-60mg up to four times a day ; in addition to full dose paracetamol and or NSAID. Weak opioids may be considered earlier e.g in OA ; . Adding high doses 60 mg ; of codeine to paracetamol provides additional analgesia, but also increases drowsiness and should be reserved for patients with more severe pain when the response to paracetamol and or an NSAID has been inadequate5. Fixed combination analgesics have a limited role, but may be convenient. If used, full therapeutic doses should be prescribed. Effervescent combination formulations are expensive, contain very high concentrations of sodium and offer no advantages for patients who are able to swallow tablets. Co-proxamol is implicated in almost one fifth of UK drug related suicides. A MHRA CSM review of safety and effectiveness concluded that there is no identifiable group in whom the risk: benefit balance may be positive. A gradual withdrawal was announced in January 2005 to allow long-term users an opportunity to move to suitable alternatives. All licenses for co-proxamol will be cancelled at the end of 2007. Prescribers contemplating continuing treating patients with co-proxamol after licenses are cancelled are advised to consult GMC guidance. A Cochrane review concluded that the potential for adverse effects greatly disadvantages tramadol compared to other treatments for OA6. There is no evidence that modified release m r ; tramadol preparations provide any advantages. They are considerably more expensive than alternatives. Chart 3 shows the variation in prescribing of m r tramadol between Strategic Health.
2a Diuisione di Medicina Interna e Sezione Endocrine Metabolica R. V., M.Z., I.P. ; , la Divisione di Cardiologia CM., G.L. ; e Second0 Servizio di Cardiologia S.R., U.G. ; , Arcispedale S. Maria Nuoua, Reggio Emilia; Centro per lo Studio, Prevenzione, Diagnosi e Cura delle Tireopatie, Cattedra di Endocrinologia, Uniuersitk di Parma E.R. ; , Parma, Italy ABSTRACT and vardenafil, because tramadol narcotic.
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2 Ishai-Michaeli, R., Svahn, C. M., Weber, M., Chajek-Shaul, T., Korner, G., Ekre, H.-P. and Vlodavsky, I. 1992. Importance of size and sulfation of heparin in release of bFGF from the vascular endothelium and extracellular matrix. Biochemistry 31: 2080. 3 Hahnenberger, R., Jakobson, A. M., Ansari, A., Wehler, T., Svahn, C. M. and Lindahl, U. 1993. Low sulfated oligosaccharides derived from heparan sulfate inhibit normal angiogenesis. Glycobiology 3: 567. 4 Nelson, R. M., Cecconi, O., Roberts, W. G., Aruffo, A., Linhardt, R. J. and Bevilacqua, M. P. 1993. Heparin oligosaccharides bind L-selectin and P-selectin and inhibit acute inflammation. Blood 82: 3253. 5 Lider, O., Baharav, E., Mekori, Y. A., Miller, T., Naparstek, Y., Vlodavsky, I. and Cohen, I. R. 1989. Suppression of experimental autoimmune diseases and prolongation of allograft survival with heparinoid inhibitors of T lymphocyte heparanase. J. Clin. Invest. 83: 752. 6 Lider, O., Mekori, Y. A., Miller, T., Bar-Tana, R., Vlodavsky, I., Baharav, E., Cohen, I. R. and Naparstek. Y. 1990. Inhibition of T lymphocyte heparanase by heparin prevents T cell migration and T cell-mediated immunity. Eur. J. Immunol. 20: 493. 7 Gilat, D., Hershkoviz, R., Cahalon, L., Goldkorn, I., Korner, G., Vlodavsky, I. and Lider, O. 1995. Molecular behavior adapts to context: heparanase functions as an extracellular matrix degrading enzyme or as a cell adhesion molecule depending on the local pH. J. Exp. Med. 181: 1929. 8 Lider, O., Cahalon, L., Gilat, D., Hershkoviz, R., Seigel, D., Margalit, R., Shoseyev, O. and Cohen, I. R. 1995. A disaccharide that inhibits tumor necrosis factor- is formed from the extracellular matrix by the enzyme heparanase. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 92: 5037. 9 Hopewood, J. J. 1989. Enzymes that degrade heparin and heparan sulfate. In Lane, D. A. and Lindahl, U., eds, Heparin. Chemical and Biological Properties, Clinical Applications, p. 191. Edward Arnold, London. 10 Rice, K. G., Kim, Y. S., Grant, A. C., Merchant, Z. M. and Linhardt, R. J. 1985. High- performance liquid chromatographic separation of heparin-derived oligosaccharides. Anal. Biochem. 150: 325. Ampofo, S. A., Wang, H. M. and Linhardt, R. J. 1991. Disaccharide compositional analysis of heparin and heparan sulfate using capillary zone electrophoresis. Anal. Biochem. 199: 249. Desai, U. R., Wang, H. M. and Linhardt, R. J. 1993. Substrate specificity of the lyases from Flavobacterium heparinum. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 306: 461. Tyrell, D. J., Kilfeather, S. and Page, C. P. 1995. Therapeutic uses of heparin beyond its traditional role as an anticoagulant. Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 16: 198. Nieduszynski, I. 1989. General physical properties of heparin. In Lane, D. A. and Lindahl, U., eds, Heparin. Chemical and Biological Properties, Clinical Applications, p. 51. Edward Arnold, London. Nader, H. B. and Dietrich, C. P. 1989. Natural occurrence and possible biologic role of heparin. In Lane, D. A. and Lindahl, U., eds, Heparin. Chemical and Biological Properties, Clinical Applications, p. 81. Edward Arnold, London. Wrenshall, L. E., Cerra, F. B., Singh, R. K. and Platt, J. L. 1995. Heparan sulfate initiates signals in murine macrophages leading to divergent biologic outcomes. J. Immunol. 154: 871. Parish, C. R., Bradbury, M. G., Weston, S. A. and Warren, H. S. 1992. Carbohydrate recognition molecules on lymphocytes. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 20: 295. Lindahl, U., Backstrom, G., Hook, M., Thunberg, L., Fransson, L. A. and Linker. A. 1979. Structure of anti-thrombin binding site in heparin. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 76: 3198. Desai, U. R., Wang, H. M., Ampofo, S. A. and Linhardt, R. J. 1993. Oligosaccharide composition of heparin and low molecular weight heparins by capillary electrophoresis. Anal. Biochem. 213: 120. Linhardt, R. J., Turnbull, J. E., Wang, H. M., Loganathan, D. and Gallagher, J. T. 1990. Examination of the substrate specificity of heparin and heparan sulfate lyases. Biochemistry 29: 2611. Bezouska, K, Yuen, C. T., O'Brien, J., Childs, R. A., Chai, W., Lawson, A. M., Drbal, K., Fiserova, A., Pospisil, M. and Feizi. T. 1994. Oligosaccharide ligands for NKR-P1 protein activate NK cells and cytotoxicity. Nature 372: 150 and voltaren.
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Expression of recombinant GABAA receptors. Human embryonic kidney 293T HEK293T ; cells a gift from P. Connely, COR Therapeutics, San Francisco, CA ; were maintained in DMEM and supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum at 37C in 5% CO2 95% air. Cells were transiently transfected with 4 g each of 1 and 3 subunits, together with either a , 2L, or mutated subunit all subcloned into the pCMVneo expression vector ; , using the calcium phosphate precipitation technique Angelotti et al., 1993 ; . Point mutants were generated using the QuikChange mutagenesis kit Stratagene, La Jolla, CA ; . Cotransfection of the pHook plasmid Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA ; enables selection of transfected cells by immunomagnetic bead separation 24 hr later Greenfield et al., 1997 ; . The next day, whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed at room temperature. Electrophysiology and drug application. Patch-clamp recordings were performed on transfected fibroblasts bathed in an external solution consisting of the following in mM ; : 142 NaCl, 8 KCl, 6 MgCl2, 1 CaCl2, 10 HEPES, 10 glucose, pH 7.4, 325 mOsm. Low-resistance electrodes 0.8 1.5 M ; World Precision Instruments, Pittsburgh, PA ; were pulled with a Flaming Brown electrode puller Sutter Instruments, San Rafael, CA ; and fire-polished. The internal solution consisted of the following in mM ; : 153 KCl, 1 MgCl2, 2 MgATP, 10 HEPES, 5 EGTA, pH 7.3, 300 mOsm. The combination of internal and external solutions produced a chloride equilibrium potential near 0 mV. Patch-clamped cells were gently lifted from the recording dish to increase solution-exchange efficiency. Cells were voltage-clamped at 10 to 50 mV, and no voltagedependent effects of desensitization or neurosteroid modulation were observed in this range. For experiments involving excised patches, thickwalled borosilicate glass was used with resistances of 515 M , and cells were plated on collagen-treated culture dishes. THDOC Sigma, St. Louis, MO ; was prepared as a 10 stock in dimethylsulfoxide DMSO ; and kept frozen. The THDOC stock was dissolved in external solution containing DMSO at a final concentration of 0.1%. piperidine-4-sulfonic acid P4S ; Sigma ; prepared as a 100 mM stock in water. GABA was prepared as a 1 stock in water. Drugs were applied via gravity using a rapid perfusion apparatus Warner Instruments, Hamden, CT ; connected to multibarrelled square glass tubing pulled to a final barrel size of 250 m. Solution exchange time measured with an open electrode tip was 0.31.5 msec, depending on the flow rate with faster range used for excised patch experiments ; , although slower exchange probably occurred around whole cells. Analysis of currents. Whole-cell currents were low-pass filtered at 25 kHz, digitized at 10 kHz, and analyzed using the pCLAMP8 software suite Axon Instruments, Foster City, CA ; . To avoid underestimating the effects of THDOC on peak current amplitude resulting from current rundown, control measurements GABA alone ; were made before and after THDOC application, and the average response was used. For THDOC modulation, the small "direct" activation current observed during the preapplication period was subtracted from the peak current in the presence of GABA and THDOC. The desensitization and deactivation time courses of GABAA receptor currents elicited with the concentration-jump technique were fit using the LevenbergMarquardt least squares method with one, two, or three component exponential functions of the form ane t n ; , where n is the best number of exponential components, a is the relative amplitude of the component, t is time, and is the time constant. Additional components were accepted only if they significantly improved the fit, as determined by an F test on the sum of squared residuals. For comparison of deactivation time and
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Gooderham NJ Molecular Toxicology, Biological Chemistry, Division of Biomedical Sciences, Imperial College London, UK. The heterocyclic amines, formed during the cooking of meat, exhibit extreme mutagenic potency in shortterm assays prompting speculation of a role in the aetiology of human cancer. Every cooked-meat heterocyclic amine examined thus far has been shown to induce tumours in laboratory animals. The most abundant cooked-meat amine, 5-b]pyridine PhIP ; , induces tumours of the colon, breast and prostate in rats. Coincidently, human consumption of meat correlates with cancers of the colon, breast and prostate. Mechanistic studies have shown that humans consuming cooked-meat efficiently absorb and activate heterocyclic amines to their genotoxic N-hydroxy derivatives, which are then metabolically detoxified and excreted. Yet each of these steps, from exposure to excretion, varies within individuals and such variability might be expected to contribute to cancer susceptibility, if the heterocyclic amines are causal agents. With a good understanding of these molecular events, clinical trials and case-control studies have attempted to address this issue. For colonic cancer, studies of exposure have tended to support a role for the meat-derived heterocyclic amines, but studies that have used a pharmacogenetic approach have not. Thus it would appear that the case for the heterocyclic amines being causally linked to human colonic cancer is, at best, equivocal. However, the recent discovery of previously unrecognized biological activity of the heterocyclic amine PhIP suggests that this particular amine cannot yet be dismissed and
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