The Generics Revolution will generate $100 billion in health care cost savings during the coming decade. Will your organization get its share? Author: Tom Nugent.
LC 33 0744S shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 15 years and shall pay a fine of $300, 000.00; and 3 ; If the quantity of methamphetamine, amphetamine, or a mixture containing either substance involved is 400 300 grams or more, the person shall be sentenced to a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 25 years and shall pay a fine of $1 million." SECTION 5.
Box 3 Current ecstasy use. In the past two years, the number of admissions to the emergency room for ecstasy-related problems has fallen, suggesting a reduced use of ecstasy ; . The reason for this trend is not clear; it might be part of a general trend of decreased alcohol and drug intake following September 11. Alternatively, it could be a response by MDMA users to avoid using ecstasy following the wide publicity given to the possibility that a single dose of ecstasy could cause PD. It would be ironic if the latter possibility was the case, given that the use of methamphetamines with their known dopaminergic toxic potential ; continues to rise.
Sources: Department of Critical Care Nursing, Ohio State University Medical Center. Using a Resuscitation Bag. Health for Life patient education handout. Available : Materials PDFDocs dis-cond respirat resusbag Porter, S, Haynie, M, Bierle, T, Caldwell, TH, & Palfrey, JS Eds. ; . 1997 ; . Children and Youth Assisted by Medical Technology in Educational Settings: Guidelines for Care. 2nd ed. ; . Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Rice, R. 1999 ; . Manual of Pediatric and Postpartum Home Care Procedures. St. Louis: Mosby, 183-184, for example, ice meth.
Box 2: Is it really an adverse drug reaction?.
Holmes is applying for a $20, 000 national science foundation grant to continue her research, hoping to include ghb, methamphetamine and other “ party drugs” that have been used by date rapists and
Inhibition activity observed with Vitamin E, but not all. At concentrations equivalent to those used in the Vitamin E investigation, the methamphetamine yield was reduced to 50 %. Remarkably, when the concentration of the pentamethylchromanol was reduced to 0.059 mmol, the methamphetamine yield remained at 50 %. The reason for this apparent independence of methamphetamine yield on the concentration of the pentamethylchromanol additive remains unclear. 3.3 Halogenated Organic Compounds The reduction of halogenated hydrocarbons using dissolving metal reductions is well established [12]. Taking advantage of this known reactivity, we have found many halogenated organic compounds to be very efficient methamphetamine synthesis inhibitors. A notable exception to this is a lack of reactivity observed for the compound 1, 1-difluoroethane. Halogens serve as good leaving groups upon reduction. The reaction is probably driven partly by the solvation of the halide product in the polar ammonia solvent. The hydrofluorocarbons HFC's ; 1, 1-difluoroethane HFC-152a ; and 1, HFC-134a ; are halogenated organic compounds that possess boiling points of 25 and 26 oC, respectively. Importantly, these boiling points are very close to that of ammonia, 33 oC. The close boiling points increase the likelihood that the halogenated organic compound will be carried over during a distillation of the ammonia [13], making it very difficult to remove the additive. Additionally, the halogenated compounds will remain below their boiling points in liquid ammonia, minimizing evaporative loss of the additive during storage. These two compounds, which pos.
TO THE EDITOR: John H. Halpern, M.D., and Harrison G. Pope, Jr., M.D. 1 ; , drew attention to the immense quantity of information about hallucinogens on the Internet. I would like to add the following comments based on my recent review of many of the same Internet sites 2 ; . There are a number of hallucinogens not mentioned in the article by Drs. Halpern and Pope that are discussed at Internet drug information sites. These include the lysergic acid amide sources Ipomoea violacea and Argyreia nervosa, numerous additional botanical sources of dimethyltryptamine DMT ; , sources of reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitors not hallucinogenic per se but used in combination with dimethyltryptamine to make it effective when taken orally, as in ayahuasca ; , Amanita muscaria, nutmeg, ketamine, and dextromethorphan. Anticholinergic agents, which cause hallucinations as a feature of anticholinergic delirium, are also discussed, including a number of nightshade species, dimenhydrinate, and diphenhydramine. In addition, a number of nonhallucinogenic drugs receive considerable coverage at Internet drug information sites. These include marijuana, 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA, or Ecstasy ; , -hydroxybutyric acid GHB ; , kava-kava, stimulants both naturally occurring and synthetic ; , and nitrous oxide. It is also interesting that certain other widely used drugs receive very little attention on the Internet: alcohol, opiates, sedative-hypnotics other than those mentioned, and inhalants other than nitrous oxide. Much of the information at the major drug information sites is quite accurate. I reviewed information at three drug information libraries about drug effects, biological sources of psychoactive compounds, and synthesis and extraction procedures. No inaccuracies were found, although some of the synthesis and extraction procedures could not be verified. I also reviewed the medical literature MEDLINE, from January 1996 to April 1999 ; for references to the lesser-known substances discussed at Internet drug information sites. Most of the reports dealt with acute medical problems related to substance use, although a few dealt with long-term misuse. I found no reports of problems involving any of the lesserknown hallucinogens discussed by Drs. Halpern and Pope, although one article discussed the potential for interactions between ayahuasca and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. In contrast, there were seven reports dealing with use of GHB, five on dextromethorphan, five on various anticholinergic nightshade species, five regarding nutmeg, three on kavakava, and one each regarding ketamine, dimenhydrinate, diphenhydramine, 2-CB a synthetic serotonergic hallucinogen ; , and absinthe. These reports shed some light on the extent of acute medical problems but reveal less about abuse and dependence and nothing about the extent of nonproblematic use of any of these substances. Furthermore, existing reports tell us little about the possible role of the Internet in promoting the use of novel substances or well-established substances such as methamphetamine, Ecstasy, and marijuana. Surveys, particularly in high-risk populations such as students, would be a useful next step in determining the prevalence of use, abuse, and dependence for the various novel drugs and to elucidate and
Stimulants To Maintain Alertness Amphetamines have both central and peripheral actions. In the CNS they are a powerful sympathomimetic amine and serve to increase alertness, focus attention, elevate mood, decrease appetite, and improve concentration. Peripherally, both systolic and diastolic blood pressure will be raised with a reflex decrease in heart rate. Dextro amphetamine Dexedrine ; shows strong central and peripheral effects while methamphetamine has less peripheral action. At low dosages amphetamines primarily increase alertness with significant side effects only beginning as the doses are increased. Well rested subjects evaluated in the laboratory showed that 5 mg of dextro-amphetamine Dexedrine ; counteracted small performance decrements caused by scopolamine 18 ; . An intermittent low dose regimen, therefore, has the capability of maintaining aviator performance yet avoiding undesired medication effects. This is consistent with reports from USAF pilots during Desert Storm who stated that 5 mgs of dextro-amphetamine Dexedrine ; helped maintain alertness without causing other changes in mood or perception 19 ; . Caffeine is also effective at reversing some of the effects of fatigue. It compares favorably to amphetamine in improving cognitive performance but is less effective in maintaining alertness 20 ; . Based purely on efficacy, it is a second choice to amphetamine. Due to its low abuse potential and wide availability, however, caffeine still offers significant utility especially in ground personnel ; . Caffeine was used successfully during flights over Iraq supporting Operation Southern Watch in August 1992 21 ; . Sleep Initiators Benzodiazepines produce the "most natural" quality of sleep and are therefore good candidates for sleep initiators. Two significant medication effects are seen: drowsiness the desired hypnotic action ; and amnesia of events during the time the medication has an effect called anterograde amnesia ; . The most significant drawback to benzodiazepines is anterograde amnesia. For the military aviator this raises the possibility of taking the medication, going to a brief.
Consequently, each time a new survey technique is developed, there is no way of knowing for certain that the condom use data derived from it are accurate. This uncertainty generates skepticism about the validity and value of data on self-reported condom-use behaviors. Relying on a combination of behavioral and biologic data is an effective means of drawing on the unique advantages of both sets of techniques, while compensating for the limitations of each. Combining condom-use data with information on pregnancy and STI rates can help create a full picture of how an intervention is working in a community. In some cases, a documented change in behavior may fail to achieve the anticipated public health impact. For example, if a condom promotion campaign leads to increases in dual protection use primarily among the most responsible youth who are in mutually monogamous relationships and already using contraception, then the initiative will fail to achieve substantial decreases in STI transmission and pregnancies. In such a case, program evaluators who have access to both behavioral and biologic outcome data might correctly discern that the condom promotion program is not completely ineffective, but that it should be targeted more directly toward youth at highest risk. This example shows that combining basic information on condom use frequency with STI test results may still not be enough for understanding fully the effectiveness of dual protection interventions. Ideally, program evaluators will complement surveys and STI testing that measure outcomes in terms of counts or percentages - quantitative indicators - with qualitative investigations that delve more into why and how programs succeed. Qualitative methods, such as focus-group discussions and in-depth interviews, allow youth to share their thoughts and experiences in greater depth and in their own words. They allow the investigator to build rapport, probe, and explore. Youth may offer information that is more accurate and complete than that provided by short responses to a structured questionnaire. Evaluation of dual protection programs would be well served by qualitative examinations that explore issues such as the following: young people's perception of risk and their level of motivation to protect themselves from disease and pregnancy and
Mailing address number, street, apt. ; City Province Postal code Other phone no. Provincial or territorial health insurance number.
Psychological and physical performance were further characterized. During a 5-week study period, patients were divided into two 7-day treatment groups receiving either AJA or placebo capsules first, respectively. All patients received 40 and 80mg of AJA or placebo daily in each treatment period. Pain measurements included the determination of mechanical hypersensitivity using the von Frey hair method as well as the visual analog scale VAS ; , for which the number needed to treat NNT ; was calculated. The side effect profile of the compound was evaluated using psychotropic and physical measurements as well as obtaining reports on possible subjective side effects. The results showed no significant reduction in mechanical hypersensitivity p 0.052 ; , although a tendency towards pain reduction could be seen. The VAS score showed significant pain reduction p 0.021 ; and NNT values for 30% pain relief were 2.14 for the first treatment group and 5.29 for the second treatment group. No significant findings were observed regarding psychotropic or physical measurements. Reported subjective side effects were mainly dry mouth, tiredness and dizziness and did not increase with dose elevation. Overall, these study findings indicate that AJA shows pain-reducing effects on patients with chronic neuropathic pain without clinically relevant psychotropic or physical side effects. Semple, D. M., A. M. McIntosh, et al. 2005 ; . "Cannabis as a risk factor for psychosis: systematic review." J Psychopharmacol 19 2 ; : 187-94. Various lines of evidence suggest an association between cannabis and psychosis. Five years ago, the only significant case-control study addressing this question was the Swedish Conscript Cohort. Within the last few years, other studies have emerged, allowing the evidence for cannabis as a risk factor to be more systematically reviewed and assessed. Using specific search criteria on Embase, PsychINFO and Medline, all studies examining cannabis as an independent risk factor for schizophrenia, psychosis or psychotic symptoms, published between January 1966 and January 2004, were examined. Additional studies were also reviewed from references found in retrieved articles, reviews, and a cited reference search ISI-Web of Science ; . Studies selected for meta-analysis included: i ; case-control studies where exposure to cannabis preceded the onset of schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like psychosis and ii ; cohort studies of healthy individuals recruited before the median age of illness onset, with cannabis exposure determined prospectively and blind to eventual diagnosis. Studies of psychotic symptoms were also tabulated for further discussion. Eleven studies were identified examining the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis. Seven were included in the meta-analysis, with a derived odds ratio fixed effects ; of 2-9 95 % confidence interval 2.4-3.6 ; . No evidence of publication bias or heterogeneity was found. Early use of cannabis did appear to increase the risk of psychosis. For psychotic symptoms, a dose-related effect of cannabis use was seen, with vulnerable groups including individuals who used cannabis during adolescence, those who had previously experienced psychotic symptoms, and those at high genetic risk of developing schizophrenia. In conclusion, the available evidence supports the hypothesis that cannabis is an independent risk factor, both for psychosis and the development of psychotic symptoms. Addressing cannabis use, particularly in vulnerable populations, is likely to have beneficial effects on psychiatric morbidity. Voytek, B., S. M. Berman, et al. 2005 ; . "Differences in regional brain metabolism associated with marijuana abuse in methamphetamkne abusers." Synapse 57 2 ; : 113-115. No abstract. Ware, M. A., H. Adams, et al. 2005 ; . "The medicinal use of cannabis in the UK: results of a nationwide survey." Int J Clin Pract 59 3 ; : 291-5. The use of cannabis for medical purposes is a controversial but an important topic of public and scientific interest. We report on the results of a self-administered questionnaire study conducted in the United Kingdom between 1998 and 2002. The questionnaire consisted of 34 items and included demographic data, disease and medication use patterns and cannabis use profiles. Subjects were self-selected; 3663 questionnaires were distributed and 2969 were returned [1805 60.9% ; women, mean age 52.7 years SD 12.7 ; ]. Medicinal cannabis use was reported by patients with chronic pain 25% ; , multiple sclerosis and depression 22% each ; , arthritis 21% ; and neuropathy 19% ; . Medicinal cannabis use was associated with younger age and
Methamphetamine effect on teeth
Accepted January 4, 2006. Dr. Kratochvil is with the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha; Dr. Wilens is with Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School, Boston; Dr. Greenhill is with the New York State Psychiatric Institute Columbia University, New York; and Drs. Gao, Feldman, and Gelowitz and Mr. Baker are with Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis. This research was funded by Eli Lilly and Company. Correspondence to Dr. Christopher J. Kratochvil, University of Nebraska College of Medicine, 9855-81 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 681985581; e-mail: ckratoch unmc . 0890-8567 06 4508Y09192006 by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1097 01.chi0000222788.34229.68.
Or pseudoephedrine must require the purchaser to be at least 18 years old, provide photo identification, and sign a special register which shall be maintained as a record of the sale. The Alabama Mehamphetamine Abuse Task Force will be composed of the Attorney General or his or her designee, the President of the Alabama State Board of Pharmacy, the Senate as appointed by the President Pro tempore of the Senate, the House of Representatives as appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Director of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board or his or her designee. The State Board of Medical Examiners Regarding the Ownership of Real Property SB75, Act 2005-39 Tab #3 Section 34-24-314 was added to the Code of Alabama to authorize the State Board of Medical Examiners to purchase, hold and sell real property in its own name in order to be used by the board to carry out its responsibilities for oversight of physician licensure except by eminent domain. The Alabama Open Meetings Act SB101, Act 2005-40 Tab #4 The "Alabama Open Meetings Act" was passed during the Regular Session. The Act replaces Alabama Code section 13A-14-2, which generally prohibited certain governmental boards and other bodies charged with disbursing state, county, or municipal funds or which had a delegated legislative or judicial function from having executive or secret sessions. The Act provides that, except for the permitted types of executive sessions or as otherwise expressly provided by other federal or state law, all meetings of a governmental body shall be open to the public and no meetings of a and
Clinical drug development is done through laboratory animal testing, for example, montana meth.
If you haven't gone to see Yegor Letov and the band of troublemakers who follow him around and the OMON, who follow them around ; , now's your chance! Thrill to Letov's take on punk rock! Chill outside in the cold weather! Spill some blood when the OMON crashes your head in! Fun for all ages and
He bisphosphonates have been known to chemists since the middle of the 19th century, when the first synthesis occurred in 1865 in Germany 1 ; . Etidronate, the first bisphosphonate to be used to treat a human disease 2 ; , was synthesized exactly 100 yr ago 3 ; . Bisphosphonates were used in industry, mainly as corrosion inhibitors or as complexing agents in the textile, fertilizer, and oil industries. Their ability to inhibit calcium carbonate precipitation, similar to polyphosphates, was put to good use in the prevention of scaling 4 ; . Only in the past three decades have bisphosphonates been developed as drugs for use in various diseases of bone, tooth, and calcium metabolism. Our knowledge of the biological characteristics of bisphosphonates dates back 30 yr. The first report was done by the author's group and published in 1968 5 ; . The concept was derived from our earlier studies on inorganic pyrophosphate. We had found that plasma and urine contained compounds that inhibit calcium phosphate precipitation and that part of this inhibitory activity was due to inorganic pyrophosphate, a compound that had not been described previously in the scientific literature 6 ; . Pyrophosphate was then shown to impair in vitro the formation and dissolution of calcium phosphate crystals. This effect was therefore similar to that on calcium carbonate and, for this reason, had been used in washing powders. Since pyrophosphate was able to inhibit ectopic calcification in vivo, it was suggested that it might act as a physiological regulator of calcification and, for example, meth addiction!
G. AND SELLERS, E. M.: Inhibition of hydrocodone to hydromorphone metabolism does not affect measures of abuse liability. Pharm. Exp. Ther., in press. KOBAYASHI, S., MURRAY, S., WATSON, D., SESARDIC, D., DAVIS, D. S. AND BOOBIS, A. R.: The specificity of inhibition of debrisoquine 4hydroxylase activity by quinidine and quinine in the rat is the inverse of that in man. Biochem. Pharmacol. 38: 27952799, 1989. KROEMER, H. K. AND EICHELBAUM, M.: Molecular bases and clinical consequences of genetic cytochrome P450 2D6 polymorphism. Life Sci. 56: 22852298, 1995. MIKUS, G., SOMOGYI, A. A., BOCHNER, F. AND EICHELBAUM, M.: Codeine Odemethylation: Rat strain differences and the effects of inhibitors. Biochem. Pharmacol. 41: 757762, 1990. MURRAY, M.: In vitro effects of quinoline derivatives on cytochrome P-450 and aminopyrine N-demethylase activity in rat hepatic microsomes. Biochem. Pharmacol. 33: 32773281, 1984. NIZNIK, H. B., TYNDALE, R. F., SALLEE, F. R., GONZALEZ, F. J., HARDWICK, J. P., INABA, T. AND KALOW, W.: The dopamine transporter and cytochrome P4502D1 debrisoquine 4-hydroxylase ; in brain: Resolution and identification of two distinct [3H] GBR-12935 binding proteins. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 276: 424432, 1990. OTTON, S. V., INABA, T. AND KALOW, W.: Competitive inhibition of sparteine oxidation in human liver by adrenoceptor antagonists and other cardiovascular drugs. Life Sci. 34: 7380, 1984. OTTON, V. S., SCHADEL, M., CHEUNG, S. W., KAPLAN, H., BUSTO, U. E. AND SELLERS, E. M.: CYP2D6 phenotype determines the metabolic conversion of hydrocodone to hydromorphone. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 54: 46372, 1993. PARONIS, C. A., WADDELL, A. B. AND HOLTZMAN, S. G.: Naltrexone in vivo protects receptors from inactivation by -flunaltrexamine, but not K receptors from inactivation by nor-binaltorphimine. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 46: 813 817, PLUMMER, J. L., CMIELEWSKI, P. L., REYNOLDS, D. G., GOURLAR, G. K. AND CHERRY, D. A.: Influence of polarity on dose response relationships of intrathecal opioids in rats. Pain 40: 339347, 1990. PRESTON, K. L., BIGELOW, G. E., BICKEL, W. K. AND LIEBSON, I. A.: Drug discrimination in human post addicts: Agonist-antagonist opioids. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 250: 184196, 1989. RITCHIE, R., CHEN, Z. R., SOMOGYI, A. AND BOCHNER, F.: Brain O-demethylation of codeine to morphine and analgesia in a rat model. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. Suppl 16: 151, 1990. SUZUKI, T., CHIANG, H. J., YANAURA, S., YOSHIDA, T. AND KUROIWA, Y.: Enhancement of behavioural effect and acute toxicity of methqmphetamine by quinine in rats. Japan J. Pharmacol. 35: 273277, 1984. SUZUKI, T., CHIANG, H. J., YANAURA, S., YOSHIDA, T. AND KUROIWA, Y.: Studies on the mechanism of interaction between methamphstamine and quinine in rats. J. Pharmacobiodyn. 9: 234238, 1986. YUE, Q. Y., SVENSSON, J. O., ALM, C., SJOQVIST, F. AND SAWE, J.: Codeine O-demethylation co-segregates with polymorphic debrisoquine hydroxylation. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 28: 639645, 1989. ZYSSET, T., ZEUGIN, T. AND KUPFER, A.: In vivo and in vitro dextromethorphan metabolism in SD and DA rat. An animal model of the debrisoquine-type polymorphic oxidation in man. Biochem. Pharmacol. 37: 31553160, 1988. Send reprint requests to: Dr. Denise M. Tomkins, Biobehavioral Research Department, Addiction Research Foundation, 33 Russell Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S S1, Canada and
Methadone hcl methamphetamine hcl CCM ; methimazole methobarbital CCM ; methocarbamol methotrexate METHOTREXATE inj ; methsuximide CCM ; methyldopa METHYLIN CCM ; methylphenidate hcl, -er CCM ; methylprednisolone metoclopramide hcl metolazone metoprolol tartrate METROGEL METROLOTION metronidazole metronidazole 0.75% ; MIACALCIN inj ; microgestin, -fe minocycline hcl MIRAPEX mirtazapine CCM ; mitriptyline chlordiazepoxide CCM ; misoprostol * MOBAN FFS ; moexipril mometasone furoate mononessa morphine sulfate mupirocin MYFORTIC nabumetone nadolol NAFTIN NAMENDA naproxen NARDIL CCM ; NASONEX natalcare plus necon nefazodone hcl CCM ; neomycin polymyxin dexameth NEULASTA PA ; NEUMEGA PA ; NEUPOGEN PA ; NEURONTIN CCM ; NEXIUM ST ; NIASPAN nicardipine hcl nifedipine nifedipine er nitrofurantoin nitroglycerin nizatidine nora-be norethindrone acetate nortrel nortriptyline hcl CCM ; NORVIR FFS ; novarel NOVOFINE 30 NOVOLIN NOVOLOG nystatin nystatin nystatin nystatin w triamcinolone ofloxacin ofloxacin eye drops ; omeprazole OMNICEF ONE TOUCH BASIC PROFILE ONE TOUCH II.
Numbers of the people consulted in the course of this study saw the successful establishment of the Home Medicines Review as an achievement in itself - involving as it does an innovative structure for promoting and supporting collaboration in patient care by GPs and pharmacists. In this sense some saw the impacts of the HMR and the work of Division-based MMR Facilitators as going beyond the objectives of the HMR program to provide a platform for better integrated primary health care services at local level and
Distorted. For instance, there might appear to be a "kink" in an otherwise straight doorframe. This requires urgent assessment. Many people who are aged 70 and over have some macular degeneration. Family history increases the risk. In addition, people with certain medical conditions e.g. diabetes ; may be more likely to develop macular degeneration. Smoking is a known risk factor for macular degeneration. For many cases of macular degeneration, no treatment is currently possible. Your optometrist may provide you with special spectacles or other visual aids to help with reading. Laser treatment may be an option for some people with macular degeneration and new therapies, including microsurgery and photodynamic therapy, are looking promising for the future. Your optometrist will be able to advise you on this and provide a referral. A healthy diet that includes dark-green leafy vegetables is thought to help maintain macular health.
Puerperium the first six weeks after delivery ; , especially its first few days, can be a dangerous time for her. It is especially dangerous after an abortion or stillbirth. His first few days in the world can also be a dangerous time for him. If she also had difficulties during pregnancy or labour, she is more likely to have difficulties after delivery. If possible, try to visit her at home during her puerperium, or ask her to come to your health centre for a check up 4-5 days after delivery, and again after 4-5 weeks and neurontin and methamphetamine, for example, making methamphetamine.
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Aim: To plan an appropriate dressing regime to promote healing in the shortest time attainable. Method: a ; Review of the ulcer and assess the patient according to, medical condition, nutritional status, type and cause of the ulcer, whether venous or arterial, acute or chronic ; , and the amount of rest and or exercise needed. b ; Maintenance dressings twice daily, daily, second daily etc. ; in accordance with healing progress. Review and change the type of dressing used as healing occurs e.g. from initial dressing of Vaseline gauze, melolin, protective pad and bandage, to a modern moist wound dressing once granulation tissue and epithelialization is occurring ; . c ; Patient educations on how to assist in the healing process, e.g and
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